

S14 World Championships reached the last match of the quarterfinals on October 20th, with LCK's second seed GEN facing LCS's first seed FLY!

In the fourth game, Canyon's Nidalee dominated Inspired's Gragas in the jungle, while Chovy's Ezreal in the mid lane made plays, and Kiin's Ornn in the bottom lane secured a double kill against Massu's Xayah! Later in the game, Bwipo's Renekton was heavily targeted and ended 0-7, as GEN played steadily and snowballed to secure objectives! Kiin's Ornn was unstoppable and took over team fights! With a strong push in the top lane, GEN ended the game, tying the series once again!

Game 1: ? Huge upset! Bwipo's Galio flanked perfectly, causing GEN to be disoriented. FLY charged in and took the first game.

Game 2: ? Counter-move! Inspired's Nunu wasn't effective, and Chovy's Cassiopeia dominated the game. GEN tied the series.

Game 3: ? Revenge is sweet! Massu's Kaisa outplayed Pezy's Xayah throughout the game. FLY had match point.

Starting lineups:

GEN: Top-Kiin, Jungle-Canyon, Mid-Chovy, Bot-Peyz, Support-Lehends

FLY: Top-Bwipo, Jungle-Inspired, Mid-Quad, Bot-Massu, Support-Busio

Banning phase:

GEN (blue side): Picks- Ashe, Nidalee, Ezreal, Ornn, Aphelios

Bans- Seraphine, Twisted Fate, Skarner, Xin Zhao, Yuumi

FLY (red side): Picks- Xayah, Fiddlesticks, Lulu, Renekton, Gragas

Bans- Ahri, Yone, Jax, Ryze, Tahm Kench

Post-match data:


Game details:

[6:22] GEN takes down the first group of Raptors, while FLY takes the first dragon. Canyon's Nidalee already has twice the CS of Inspired's Gragas!

[7:13] Kiin's Ornn dives under the bottom turret in a 1v2, using Q3 and R to pull back Massu's Xayah, allowing him to tank the turret. He then continues to chase and kills Massu's Xayah, taking First Blood!

[9:14] Inspired's Gragas flanks and flashes Q to hit Chovy's Ezreal! With Quad's Fiddlesticks ultimate, they kill him. Chovy even uses his flash before dying!

[10:34] GEN TP's in the bottom lane, and four members dive and kill Bwipo's Renekton. FLY trades by taking down the second group of Raptors. In the end, both teams are 3v3. GEN takes down First Tower!

[12:05] GEN secures the second dragon. Infernal Dragon Soul this game!

[14:58] GEN takes down Rift Herald!

[15:55] GEN's mid-jungle duo kills Quad's Fiddlesticks in the river, but FLY's bot lane support kills Chovy's Ezreal and Canyon's Nidalee flashes. The mid lane is traded!

[17:11] FLY kills Lehends' Maokai in the bottom river and takes the third dragon. In the top lane, GEN's four members dive and kill Bwipo's Renekton once again!

[20:05] Bwipo's Renekton is caught by Peyz's Ashe ultimate again in the bottom lane and dies once more! It's now 0-3! GEN has a 4k gold lead!

[22:25] FLY tries to kill Kiin's Ornn in the bot lane but fails. GEN's Nidalee chases and kills Quad's Fiddlesticks! With this 0-2 trade, GEN takes the fourth dragon!

[25:09] River skirmish, Bwipo's Renekton flanks but is spotted by vision. Inspired's Gragas makes a mistake with a close-range ultimate! After killing Renekton, GEN continues to chase. Chovy's Ezreal gets a double kill. GEN trades 0-2 and takes the Baron! FLY wants to contest, but GEN outnumbers them 5v3 and kills FLY's bot lane, then proceeds to take the Dragon. Kiin's Ornn flanks with TP and ultimate, catching Quad's Fiddlesticks. GEN takes the Baron and continues to chase, killing Renekton once more! In these few fights, GEN goes 0-6!

[28:30] GEN pushes in the top lane to the inhibitor turret. FLY's support flanks but Bwipo's Renekton is pushed back by Chovy's Ezreal. Busio's Lulu is killed! Kiin's Ornn already kills three in the enemy base! GEN ends the game with this team fight, bringing the BO5 series to the final deciding game!

